A weekend of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation.
There is a magic in the cocktail of those three practices.
In usual yoga classes, they can hardly be practiced altogether due to limited times or lack of atmosphere. When we are away on a retreat, we can experience them all.
If you have never retreated before, this will be a great taster.
The weekend will be a combination of dynamic and quiet practices.
Feel energised, refreshed and rested!
Dates: November 27th-29th
(Fri 5pm - Sun 5pm)
Venue: Tilton House, Firle, East Sussex BN8 6LL
It's a beautiful venue. Have a look at the website.
Cost: £280 if booked before Sep 21st
£295 after Sep 22nd
The cost will include Yoga & Pranayama sessions (1 session on Fri eve / 3 sessions on Sat / 2 sessions on Sun), 3 meals a day and accommodation.
You'll be either sharing with another or two others though the prices will be the same. (Triple room has en-suit)
If the number is low then there will be 2 single room options with the extra cost. Please enquire near the time.
£100 deposit (non-refundable) will secure your place.
The remainder due by the 1st week of November.
Cheque made payable to Aki Omori and send it to:
Aki Omori, Flat 10, 27 Bassett Road, London W10 6LB UK
Or be paid directly into Aki’s account. Please contact Aki for the account details.
Please notify me via email to let me know you have sent the money.
Email or call me for any enquiry.
Looking forward to hearing from you!