2020 Workshops / Training 2020 Booking information at a glance
2018 / 2019
(Scroll down and click the relevant links)
Current Weekly Class Schedule:
13:00-14:15 Open Age / Level at Portobello Green Fitness Club
18:00-19:15 Open Level at Triyoga Soho
9:30-11:00 Level 2 at Virgin Active Notting Hill
12:45-1:45 Level 1 & 2 Triyoga Camden
20:00-21:15 Restorative Yoga at Triyoga Ealing
18:15-19:30 Restorative Yoga & Pranayama at Triyoga Camden
15:30-17:00 Level 1 & 2 at Triyoga Ealing
17:30-19:00 Restorative Yoga at Triyoga Ealing
For private tuition, NARM/early trauma therapy sessions, please enquire via email.
For details for supervision / mentoring and consultancy services, please click here.
If you would like me to come to your organisation and offer a workshop / training, please contact me.
2019 Events
Workshops, Retreats and Training Courses in 2019:
June 8th - 15th 2019
Advanced Enquiry / Teachers Training
Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective
"Nourishment and Depletion - The Nervous System"
At Kilnhanger, Surrey
An annual residential training. This year, module 1 & 2 are put together as a week long residential at Kilnhanger, in beautiful Surrey Hills, England, UK.
A 50 hours intensive training designed for yoga teachers/teacher trainees, holistic therapists, psychotherapists, or keen movement practitioners. It is an enquiry, a vigorous investigation into our innate ability to balance "nourishment & depletion" to understand what supports healing and maintenance of the body-mind and move toward optimal health. And at the same time, fully accepting and welcoming all aspects of ourselves as they are in the current states as a starting point.
It is done mainly through experiential study of the Nervous System and Embryology/Infant Developmental Movments, along with other body systems and helpful practices.
We then look at application to yoga and other therapeutic modalities and to our daily lives.
The aim of this training is to provide practitioners / teachers with tools and understanding in a way that they will be able ot create / integrate into their own unique body of work.
Previously called Restorative Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective.
This is an incredibly informative and rewarding training.
Tuition Fee: 700 pounds / Early Bird Discount (for booking before 20th June 2018) 630 pounds
Full Board Accommodation: From £650 ** (see below for other cheaper options)
**Commuting option is also available for those who live near the venue or for those who stay at another accommodation near by. For this option, the cost (excluding the tuition fee) will be £345 for the week, including all the meals and the use of the facility.
**Also Camping option is available limited up to 2 persons. The cost for this is £455 for the week, including all meals and the use of the facility.
For Booking: A non-refundable deposit of 250 pounds will secure your place.
A small group of 12-16 people maximum.
For more details, please click here.
March 29th - 31st 2019
July 4th - 7th 2019
A Long Weekend Yoga and Meditation Retreat At Kilnhanger, Surrey 2019
Come for a long weekend of relaxing a nd enlivening yoga retreat at the stunningly beautiful Kilnhanger in the Surrey Hills.
Dates: (I am running two long weekend retreats.)
For more details, click here
Integrated Restorative Yoga Immersion for yoga teachers at Yoga Kula, Leeds:
Part 1: 30th August - 1st September 2019
Part 2: 27th-29th September 2019
For more information and booking, please contact Angela at www.yogakulaleeds.co.uk
October 12th - 13th, 2019
Workshop with Aki Omori & Jean Hall at Trigyoa, London, UK
"Differentiate, Activate, Integrate - Ligaments and Bones"
“... at birth every joint in the body is composed of membrane or cartilage, not bone. There is softness everywhere, the body is like liquid gold. There is less of a sense of division than at any other time.” Huge Milne
Join Aki + Jean in a weekend of experiential workshop sessions to explore, feel and understand how bones, ligaments + joints have their own distinct functionality + role within the body. You’ll discover how they relate and work together to create wholeness of activation and full movement connectivity and integration. We’ll delve into the theory of our structure, but more importantly into creative movement explorations through experiential anatomy along with somatic yoga practices to cultivate and notice how subtle awareness and small changes within us have the most profound effect on how we feel, breathe and move our body in the circumstances of our lives.
For further information and booking, please go to Triyoga Website.
October 21st - 28th, 2019 Early Bird Discount Ends July 31st! Click here for details!
Yoga & Somatic Retreat with Aki Omori
At Suleyman's Garden, Turkey
Body-Mind Centering Workshops in North West London:
Second series of workshops will start this autumn.
Dates TBC.
Workshops, Retreats and Training Courses in 2018:
April 8th, Sunday
A weekend Yoga and Somatic workshop with Aki Omori and Jean Hall at Triyoga London
"Opening the Window of Resilience"
- Repatterning, reconnecting, rebalancing through movement + body awareness.
Through breath and movement exploration, discussion and sharing, this daylong workshop will enquire into the relationships between the health of the mind and the body from the perspectives of the brain, nervous system and developmental movements.
Learning about the primal functions of the brain and the nervous system, and how our individual history contributes to our unique tendencies, we can then apply this understanding to our experiences and awareness of movement. By taking time to slow down so we can recognise and sense into the fine texture of sensation and motion to help reconnect us to our intuition and inner knowing, we become more able to re-pattern, repair and re-balance ourselves in life’s on-going process of self learning and realisation.
Time: 10am - 5pm
Cost: £75
Booking: Please Contact Triyoga website by clicking here
April 22nd, Sunday
"Exploring Hypermobility from Developmental Perspective"
At Jade Pilates Studio, Bromley
Find out how our early development can influence our mobility / body tone and its physical and psychological effects.
We will investigate this fascinating subject through some movement exploration practice, some partner / hands on work, early developmental movement study, including basic embryology, developmental relational models, primitive reflexes, and the nature of the nervous system.
Who is this for? : The workshop is suitable for all movement specialists and practitioners, including teachers of Pilates, Yoga, Feldenkrais, Alexander technique etc, dancers, exercise instructors, medical professionals, psychotherapists and physical therapists or For those who are just keen to explore this subject.
Time: 10am - 5pm
Cost: £65 (including some light refreshments.)
To book, please email: jade.pilates@gmail.com
Weekend Yoga Retreats:
A Long Weekend Yoga and Meditation Retreat At Kilnhanger, Surrey
Still spaces available. Special discount offer £100 off the full cost!! Book now!
Come for a long weekend of relaxing a nd enlivening yoga retreat at the stunningly beautiful Kilnhanger in the Surrey Hills.
Dates: (I am running two long weekend retreats.)
May 17th - 20th
For more details, click here.
A Long Weekend Yoga and Meditation Retreat At Kilnhanger, Surrey Sold Out
Come for a long weekend of relaxing a nd enlivening yoga retreat at the stunningly beautiful Kilnhanger in the Surrey Hills.
Dates: (I am running two long weekend retreats.)
June 28th - July 1st
For more details, click here
June 18th
Friday 6:30-8pm
Workshop @ Yogabirth, London
Details TBC
Please enquire for details: mail@akiomori.com
July 2nd - 4 weeks
A 4 week beginners course at Triyoga Soho
July 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 (9th July taught by Tanya Love)
For booking and information via Triyoga: please click here
July 28th - August 4th
Advanced Enquiry / Teachers Training
Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective
"Nourishment and Depletion - The Nervous System"
At Kilnhanger, Surrey
An annual residential training. This year, module 1 & 2 are put together as a week long residential at Kilnhanger, in beautiful Surrey Hills, England, UK.
A 50 hours intensive training designed for yoga teachers, teacher trainees, holistic therapists, psychotherapists, or keen movement practitioners. It is an enquiry, a vigorous investigation into our innate ability to balance "nourishment & depletion" to understand what supports healing and maintainance of the body-mind and move toward optimal health. And at the same time, fully accepting and welcoming all aspects of ourselves as they are in the current states as a starting point.
It is done mainly through experiential study of the Nervous System and Embryology/Infant Developmental Movments, along with other body systems and helpful practices.
We then look at application to yoga and other therapeutic modalities and to our daily lives.
The aim of this training is to provide practitioners / teachers with tools and understanding in a way that they will be able ot create / integrate into their own unique body of work.
Previously called Restorative Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective.
This is an incredibly informative and rewarding training.
Tuition Fee: 700 pounds / Early Bird Discount (for booking before 20th June 2018) 630 pounds
Full Board Accommodation: From £650 ** (see below for other cheaper options)
**Commuting option is also available for those who live near the venue or for those who stay at another accommodation near by. For this option, the cost (excluding the tuition fee) will be £345 for the week, including all the meals and the use of the facility.
**Also Camping option is available limited up to 2 persons. The cost for this is £455 for the week, including all meals and the use of the facility.
For Booking: A non-refundable deposit of 250 pounds will secure your place.
A small group of 12-16 people maximum.
For more details, please click here.
16th Feb 2020
“Stillness & Flow” Fluid Body workshop @ Light Centre Belgravia 10:30-5:30
Booking: via Eventbrite
21-23 Feb 2020
“Embryology” CPD for Yoga Teachers @ The Arc Centre, London
Booking: via Barefoot Body
2 May & 16 May 2020
“How Life Moves” Series (2 parts) @ Flow Tumbridge Wells, Kent 2-6pm each weekend
A Somatic Exploration of the Nervous System and its Development
Part 1 (May 2nd):
“Centre & Periphery - Self & Environment" (Central & Peripheral Nervous System)
Part 2 (May 16th):
“Front Body & Back Body - Nourishment & Protection"
(Embryology / Autonomic Nervous System)
Booking and information via Flow Tumbridge Wells: https://flowtunbridgewells.com/workshops/
Annual Residential Training - Nourishment & Depletion @ Kilnhanger, Surrey
- Exploration on embodied anatomy of the nervous system, embryology, developmental movement, trauma healing, touch and more. Dates are now confirmed! 13-20 June 2020
- Please read below for basic information. Booking is open with an early bird discount. Please contact me if you are interested.
Dates: 13th - 20th June, 2020
Yoga Therapy / Somatic Movement Therapy Annual Residential Training
"Nourishment and Depletion - The Nervous System, Somatic Approach”
At Kilnhanger, Surrey
An annual residential training held at Kilnhanger, in beautiful Surrey Hills, England, UK.
A 50 hours intensive training designed for yoga teachers, teacher trainees, holistic therapists, psychotherapists, trauma therapist or keen movement practitioners.
It is an enquiry, a vigorous investigation into our innate ability to balance "nourishment & depletion" to understand what supports healing and maintainance of the body-mind and move toward optimal health. Explore our pathway toward fullness of life that is thriving, fully accepting and welcoming all aspects of ourselves as they are in the current states as a starting point.
It is done mainly through experiential study of the Nervous System and Embryology/Infant Developmental Movments, along with other body systems and helpful practices.
We then look at application to yoga and other therapeutic modalities and to our daily lives.
The aim of this training is to provide practitioners / teachers with tools and understanding in a way that they will be able ot create / integrate into their own unique body of work.
Previously called Restorative Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective.
This is an incredibly informative, profound, enjoyable and rewarding training.
Cost: (Early bird booking available before end Feb 2020)
Early bird from £1280 (including tuition fee and full board accommodation)
Full fee from £1350 (including tuition fee and full board accommodation)
(see below for other cheaper options)
Commuting option is also available for those who live near the venue or those who stay at another accommodation near by. For this option, the cost will be £975 (early bird), £1045 (full fee) for the week, including tuition fee, all the meals and the use of the facility.
Camping option is available limited up to 2 persons. The cost for this is £1085 (early bird), £1155 (full fee) for the week, including all meals and the use of the facility.
For Booking: A non-refundable deposit of £250 pounds will secure your place.
For more details, please click here.
For more details, please click here.
A small group of 12 people maximum.
Please enquire if interested in participating.
Here are some of feedback from the past participants:
"I attended this a few years ago and still use the incredible content of the course to inform my teaching and practice" Sarah - Cranial-sacral Therapist
"I spent a nurturing and nourishing week with Aki at Kilnhanger. Aki's passion for somatic inquiry both in movement and stillness was delivered beautifully. There is a depth, truth and richness to her teaching that emanates from her own embodiment of these practices. She brought together a talented and compassionate group and we were supported by beautiful surroundings and an amazing chef. I returned home a little bit different and continue to employ much of what I learnt in my practice and with my students."
Dora - Yoga teacher
"Aki's passion for this subject is infectious and I found it a deeply affecting experience. I am still integrating it. The training revealed where I was in my embodiment process and where my work is - not necessarily a comfortable process but profoundly necessary - particularly as a teacher and facilitator. Beautiful place, delicious food and fun dancing added much nourishment!"
Tamsin - Psychotherapist, Trainer and facilitator
"I attended this a few years ago and still use the incredible content of the course to inform my teaching and practice" Sarah - Cranial-sacral Therapist
"I spent a nurturing and nourishing week with Aki at Kilnhanger. Aki's passion for somatic inquiry both in movement and stillness was delivered beautifully. There is a depth, truth and richness to her teaching that emanates from her own embodiment of these practices. She brought together a talented and compassionate group and we were supported by beautiful surroundings and an amazing chef. I returned home a little bit different and continue to employ much of what I learnt in my practice and with my students."
Dora - Yoga teacher
"Aki's passion for this subject is infectious and I found it a deeply affecting experience. I am still integrating it. The training revealed where I was in my embodiment process and where my work is - not necessarily a comfortable process but profoundly necessary - particularly as a teacher and facilitator. Beautiful place, delicious food and fun dancing added much nourishment!"
Tamsin - Psychotherapist, Trainer and facilitator
2018 / 2019
(Scroll down and click the relevant links)
Current Weekly Class Schedule:
13:00-14:15 Open Age / Level at Portobello Green Fitness Club
18:00-19:15 Open Level at Triyoga Soho
9:30-11:00 Level 2 at Virgin Active Notting Hill
12:45-1:45 Level 1 & 2 Triyoga Camden
20:00-21:15 Restorative Yoga at Triyoga Ealing
18:15-19:30 Restorative Yoga & Pranayama at Triyoga Camden
15:30-17:00 Level 1 & 2 at Triyoga Ealing
17:30-19:00 Restorative Yoga at Triyoga Ealing
For private tuition, NARM/early trauma therapy sessions, please enquire via email.
For details for supervision / mentoring and consultancy services, please click here.
If you would like me to come to your organisation and offer a workshop / training, please contact me.
2019 Events
Workshops, Retreats and Training Courses in 2019:
Advanced Enquiry / Teachers Training
Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective
"Nourishment and Depletion - The Nervous System"
At Kilnhanger, Surrey
An annual residential training. This year, module 1 & 2 are put together as a week long residential at Kilnhanger, in beautiful Surrey Hills, England, UK.
A 50 hours intensive training designed for yoga teachers/teacher trainees, holistic therapists, psychotherapists, or keen movement practitioners. It is an enquiry, a vigorous investigation into our innate ability to balance "nourishment & depletion" to understand what supports healing and maintenance of the body-mind and move toward optimal health. And at the same time, fully accepting and welcoming all aspects of ourselves as they are in the current states as a starting point.
It is done mainly through experiential study of the Nervous System and Embryology/Infant Developmental Movments, along with other body systems and helpful practices.
We then look at application to yoga and other therapeutic modalities and to our daily lives.
The aim of this training is to provide practitioners / teachers with tools and understanding in a way that they will be able ot create / integrate into their own unique body of work.
Previously called Restorative Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective.
This is an incredibly informative and rewarding training.
Tuition Fee: 700 pounds / Early Bird Discount (for booking before 20th June 2018) 630 pounds
Full Board Accommodation: From £650 ** (see below for other cheaper options)
**Commuting option is also available for those who live near the venue or for those who stay at another accommodation near by. For this option, the cost (excluding the tuition fee) will be £345 for the week, including all the meals and the use of the facility.
**Also Camping option is available limited up to 2 persons. The cost for this is £455 for the week, including all meals and the use of the facility.
For Booking: A non-refundable deposit of 250 pounds will secure your place.
A small group of 12-16 people maximum.
For more details, please click here.
March 29th - 31st 2019
July 4th - 7th 2019
A Long Weekend Yoga and Meditation Retreat At Kilnhanger, Surrey 2019
Come for a long weekend of relaxing a nd enlivening yoga retreat at the stunningly beautiful Kilnhanger in the Surrey Hills.
Dates: (I am running two long weekend retreats.)
For more details, click here
Contact Aki: mail@akiomori.com
Integrated Restorative Yoga Immersion for yoga teachers at Yoga Kula, Leeds:
Part 1: 30th August - 1st September 2019
Part 2: 27th-29th September 2019
For more information and booking, please contact Angela at www.yogakulaleeds.co.uk
October 12th - 13th, 2019
Workshop with Aki Omori & Jean Hall at Trigyoa, London, UK
"Differentiate, Activate, Integrate - Ligaments and Bones"
“... at birth every joint in the body is composed of membrane or cartilage, not bone. There is softness everywhere, the body is like liquid gold. There is less of a sense of division than at any other time.” Huge Milne
Join Aki + Jean in a weekend of experiential workshop sessions to explore, feel and understand how bones, ligaments + joints have their own distinct functionality + role within the body. You’ll discover how they relate and work together to create wholeness of activation and full movement connectivity and integration. We’ll delve into the theory of our structure, but more importantly into creative movement explorations through experiential anatomy along with somatic yoga practices to cultivate and notice how subtle awareness and small changes within us have the most profound effect on how we feel, breathe and move our body in the circumstances of our lives.
For further information and booking, please go to Triyoga Website.
October 21st - 28th, 2019 Early Bird Discount Ends July 31st! Click here for details!
Yoga & Somatic Retreat with Aki Omori
At Suleyman's Garden, Turkey
Escape to Turkey this autumn for a week of yoga and somatic exploration with Aki Omori. Expect a combination of a gentle & a energising practice, plenty of time to relax, and delicious healthy Turkish food in the beautiful and quiet setting of Suleyman’s Garden, a traditional organic farm on the Mediterranean sea. In October, the extreme heat of the Summer has passed and the mellower weather is ideal to unwind, enjoy the sea, and embark on exciting excursions.
Prices: (Early bird discount available if deposit paid by 31st July 2019)
Single Cabin: £795 Early bird £885 Full rate
Twin/Double Cabin: £735 per person Early bird £795 per person Full rate
En-suite single occupancy: £955 Early bird £1045 Full rate
En-suite twin/double room: £825 per person Early bird £885 per person Full rate
Prices include all the practice sessions, accommodation and food; not flights, airport transfers, massage sessions, travel insurance and excursions.
To secure your place, a non-refundable deposit £300 required.
Further information, please follow this link.
Further information, please follow this link.
For booking and enquiries, please contact Fay or Aki – fay.israsena@gmail.com and aki2002@gmail.com
Body-Mind Centering Workshops in North West London:
Second series of workshops will start this autumn.
Dates TBC.
Workshops, Retreats and Training Courses in 2018:
April 8th, Sunday
A weekend Yoga and Somatic workshop with Aki Omori and Jean Hall at Triyoga London
"Opening the Window of Resilience"
- Repatterning, reconnecting, rebalancing through movement + body awareness.
Through breath and movement exploration, discussion and sharing, this daylong workshop will enquire into the relationships between the health of the mind and the body from the perspectives of the brain, nervous system and developmental movements.
Learning about the primal functions of the brain and the nervous system, and how our individual history contributes to our unique tendencies, we can then apply this understanding to our experiences and awareness of movement. By taking time to slow down so we can recognise and sense into the fine texture of sensation and motion to help reconnect us to our intuition and inner knowing, we become more able to re-pattern, repair and re-balance ourselves in life’s on-going process of self learning and realisation.
Time: 10am - 5pm
Cost: £75
Booking: Please Contact Triyoga website by clicking here
April 22nd, Sunday
"Exploring Hypermobility from Developmental Perspective"
At Jade Pilates Studio, Bromley
Find out how our early development can influence our mobility / body tone and its physical and psychological effects.
We will investigate this fascinating subject through some movement exploration practice, some partner / hands on work, early developmental movement study, including basic embryology, developmental relational models, primitive reflexes, and the nature of the nervous system.
Who is this for? : The workshop is suitable for all movement specialists and practitioners, including teachers of Pilates, Yoga, Feldenkrais, Alexander technique etc, dancers, exercise instructors, medical professionals, psychotherapists and physical therapists or For those who are just keen to explore this subject.
Time: 10am - 5pm
Cost: £65 (including some light refreshments.)
To book, please email: jade.pilates@gmail.com
Weekend Yoga Retreats:
A Long Weekend Yoga and Meditation Retreat At Kilnhanger, Surrey
Still spaces available. Special discount offer £100 off the full cost!! Book now!
Come for a long weekend of relaxing a nd enlivening yoga retreat at the stunningly beautiful Kilnhanger in the Surrey Hills.
Dates: (I am running two long weekend retreats.)
May 17th - 20th
For more details, click here.
Contact Aki: mail@akiomori.com
A Long Weekend Yoga and Meditation Retreat At Kilnhanger, Surrey Sold Out
Come for a long weekend of relaxing a nd enlivening yoga retreat at the stunningly beautiful Kilnhanger in the Surrey Hills.
Dates: (I am running two long weekend retreats.)
June 28th - July 1st
For more details, click here
Contact Aki: mail@akiomori.com
June 18th
Friday 6:30-8pm
Workshop @ Yogabirth, London
Details TBC
Please enquire for details: mail@akiomori.com
July 2nd - 4 weeks
A 4 week beginners course at Triyoga Soho
July 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 (9th July taught by Tanya Love)
For booking and information via Triyoga: please click here
Advanced Enquiry / Teachers Training
Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective
"Nourishment and Depletion - The Nervous System"
At Kilnhanger, Surrey
An annual residential training. This year, module 1 & 2 are put together as a week long residential at Kilnhanger, in beautiful Surrey Hills, England, UK.
A 50 hours intensive training designed for yoga teachers, teacher trainees, holistic therapists, psychotherapists, or keen movement practitioners. It is an enquiry, a vigorous investigation into our innate ability to balance "nourishment & depletion" to understand what supports healing and maintainance of the body-mind and move toward optimal health. And at the same time, fully accepting and welcoming all aspects of ourselves as they are in the current states as a starting point.
It is done mainly through experiential study of the Nervous System and Embryology/Infant Developmental Movments, along with other body systems and helpful practices.
We then look at application to yoga and other therapeutic modalities and to our daily lives.
The aim of this training is to provide practitioners / teachers with tools and understanding in a way that they will be able ot create / integrate into their own unique body of work.
Previously called Restorative Yoga and Yoga Therapy from Somatic Perspective.
This is an incredibly informative and rewarding training.
Tuition Fee: 700 pounds / Early Bird Discount (for booking before 20th June 2018) 630 pounds
Full Board Accommodation: From £650 ** (see below for other cheaper options)
**Commuting option is also available for those who live near the venue or for those who stay at another accommodation near by. For this option, the cost (excluding the tuition fee) will be £345 for the week, including all the meals and the use of the facility.
**Also Camping option is available limited up to 2 persons. The cost for this is £455 for the week, including all meals and the use of the facility.
For Booking: A non-refundable deposit of 250 pounds will secure your place.
A small group of 12-16 people maximum.
For more details, please click here.